I would like to show my gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Kelvin Tang --- You gave me continuous supervision and feedbacks throughout this practicum; find my strength and gave continuous encouragement and support, increase my confidence and redirect me when I get lost. Thank you!
I would like to say thank you to my palliative care team colleagues --- You gave me full support in screening of suitable cases for my project and ready to provide unlimited support during my working progress. Thank you!
I would like to thanks for the in-charge of Man Kee Elderly Center, who provide a favorable environment and elderly clients for me to do the practicum. Thank you!
I would like to thank all my clients with my greatest heart --- without you; I can’t finish or even start my project. I thank for your trust and willingness to share your life with me. I am also glad to walk along the logotherapy journey with you. I learnt about the human nature and human potential. I learnt more about life and death. Thank you!
I would also like to thank all the teachers, groupmates and classmates in this course --- You are all my role models. You shared the hardest time with me, shared all the sours and joys. We searched together when we got lost. We encouraged and gave full support to each other. I won’t forget those memorable moments. Thank you!
Lastly, I would like to show my genuine thanks to my parents and friends --- your spiritual support can’t be replaced by anything. I can feel that I am full of love, joy and support during these two harsh but fruitful years. Thank you so much!
1 則留言:
恭喜晒! 期待你的畢業典禮...