

今天,新同事師姐說,這裡是天堂‧‧‧下?!? 我心裡充滿問號??或許吧,但我相信是一個"悶"天堂。的確,我和她看法有點出入,我曾認為"天堂"的地方,她感到壓力。或許我要想辦法適應由一個極端至另一個極端。

I really miss the previous days, I miss people hanging around in the reception counter, I miss the days when gangs of us escape to tearoom for drink to ignore the 'pretending empathetic tender love' boss.......I miss the busy environment in Acute Ward, I miss the lunch time, tea time...............Though people always say : Come on! It's work, not a game!! You can't compared. Who says I didn't work hard previously? I work hard and enjoyed much there. Anyway, I'm just finding out my way, I'll survive! At least, it's not a 'hell' anyway.
