

I feel like I'm collasped!

Just back home with my tired physical body and confused mind. Start to depend on caffeine to maintain alertness and function for a day. Drink 2 cups a day if there's lesson held on evening. Nearly sleep at 2am every midnight and beginning with a heavy work the next day. ( it's really so ridiculous for so many work recently despite the real increase of case numbers. I hardly squeeze spare time for reading articles during office time).

The worst is I knew that it's only the beginning, it's still not my turn for presentationssss and paperssssss submittion. How can I survive for this 2 years?

Can't sleep with my confused mind, I can't stop myself thinking about the complex theroies as well as the critiques underlie. I hope I can proudly shared with you the "brilliant" things I've learnt later. ( Well, still doubting....).

Finally, it's time for me to stop and heading on with my article now. Pray for me, my friends!



Listening songs during my bus journey to meet my friend for concert, feeling a bit sad. Feeling sad about what my 'upset' friend told me just this afternoon.Why can people behaves like that? Why human being can be hurt so much by others? Why are women so vulnerable? Why? Why? Why?

Why do you have so many questions? Why do you don't understand? What are you still waiting, expecting? How do you treat yourself? How do you hurt yourself?

Maybe I still have a long way to go, I still need more time to be well trained. I'm too emotional and too involved. I've so many transference/countertransference. Well, actually, I told myself , because she's my friend, not my client, I was sad for her, really really sad for her, her experiences, her feeling.......

During the first day of my training/lecture, I was told that being a good counsellor, should be interdependent, should 'clear' up own 'unresolved business' in order to be helping, in order to help people to change. I'm looking forward for my CHANGE as well.......

歌手:古巨基, 周慧敏

我最愛 等不到 早已別去
卻發覺 心太累 沒有眼淚
窮一生想再追 但難尋舊愛 都似獨居

我也怕 習慣了 不靠伴侶
誰和誰 又約我 一一婉拒
難碰上我最愛 便獨立下去 卻怕有人追

錯失太易 愛得太遲
怎麼補救 心中的刺永在此


"Depress" is yet to come

啋!一首"The best is yet to come"咁positive的歌,竟然被朋友改成"Depress" is yet to come。







今天和同事一起放工,她說明天(九月十日) 是她結婚一週年,是啊!我的反應極快,因我也記得明天是她結婚一週年。我甚至乎記得當天發生的每一個細節。






星期六剛完成orientation,眾師兄師姐也說此course極其辛苦,但很"抵玩",皆因可免費瘦身,而且是Part Time 性質的course,擁有Full Time的 work load,一星期要看六至八份journals 才可上課等等‧‧‧你說可怖與否?

漫長的"暑假"就這樣結束了,各方好友,可能我會從此消失,有機會的話我會多寫blog 來update近況,而且在此先抱歉(如日後不能赴約),但不要就此放棄我呵!

其實,總算在開學之前做了想做的東西,今個夏季也過得充實。去了日本旅行;約會了很多不同及久久不見(有的大概是十年,近些四五年,還有一兩年)的朋友見面吃飯;修讀了音樂治療短期課程;買了那套improvision package(可惜真的沒時間鑽研);還去了一次海灘,燒烤;兩次船河,兩次wakeboard,香蕉船等。也沒躲懶,一有時間便去physical做運動。感覺自己好像健康了些‧‧‧
