
Good, Better, Best

"Good, Better, Best
You never take a rest
Until your good is better
And your better,best!"



之後回校,今天的"present"也很順利,還有另一suprise,有一位同學竟給我預備了真正的"birthday present"呢!真的"未生日,先興奮!"



Why Study?

"The more I study
The more I know

The more I know
The more I forget

The more I forget
The less I know

So why study?"

"" Readers are plentiful
Thinkers are rare!""

This is a bookmark I bought in London's Oxford University two years ago, I love the phrase much, and actually really don't know ''why study?"

After a semester of my Master programme, I start to know "why study?", I start to shift myself of being the reader to the thinker , though still have a long long way to go.

The good results of last semester motivated me much and give me confidence and strength to do better. I found my time and stress management skill improved a lot, though the workload is more and more, i found i can handle it more skillfully.

Thanks all for the encouragement,I'm still searching my way, but I know i'm now on the right track! I hope I can guide you all for the right track soon.