
Virginia Satir


昨天開了一個感人的case conference, 先是sharing session,雖然這次不是edvidence based 的 sharing,但我真覺得很有意思和真切。後是歡送廖修女,雖然我並不認識她,但我覺得她一定是個好人,也覺人生實在太無奈,疾病實在太可怕。

’I need TIME to adjust to change’, it’s so true for everyone...... but well, I always thought I’ve Adjustment Disorder!!

From Virginia Satir:
I want to love you without clutching,
Appreciate you without judging,
Join you without invading,
Invite you without demanding,
Leave you without guilt,
Criticize you without blaming,
And help you without insulting,
If I can have the same from you,
Then we can truly meet and enrich each other........

Well, but "Where are YOU ?"
