

Listening songs during my bus journey to meet my friend for concert, feeling a bit sad. Feeling sad about what my 'upset' friend told me just this afternoon.Why can people behaves like that? Why human being can be hurt so much by others? Why are women so vulnerable? Why? Why? Why?

Why do you have so many questions? Why do you don't understand? What are you still waiting, expecting? How do you treat yourself? How do you hurt yourself?

Maybe I still have a long way to go, I still need more time to be well trained. I'm too emotional and too involved. I've so many transference/countertransference. Well, actually, I told myself , because she's my friend, not my client, I was sad for her, really really sad for her, her experiences, her feeling.......

During the first day of my training/lecture, I was told that being a good counsellor, should be interdependent, should 'clear' up own 'unresolved business' in order to be helping, in order to help people to change. I'm looking forward for my CHANGE as well.......

歌手:古巨基, 周慧敏

我最愛 等不到 早已別去
卻發覺 心太累 沒有眼淚
窮一生想再追 但難尋舊愛 都似獨居

我也怕 習慣了 不靠伴侶
誰和誰 又約我 一一婉拒
難碰上我最愛 便獨立下去 卻怕有人追

錯失太易 愛得太遲
怎麼補救 心中的刺永在此

1 則留言:

匿名 說...

講到 "unresolved business" ,我的 business resolve 晒未呢? 都應該七七八八,但我數數手指,我用咗差不多十年,一生中要寶貴的十年去 resolve 我的 business。