
Recapped : PS I Love You

Master 的一群好學的同學,常推介自己看過的好書,我也不甘示弱,(雖知其實我看書不多,哈哈),但一直有看我blog的朋友都知我愛極這一本。以下是recapped一年前日記的部份對此書的感想,看你有沒有興趣追看了。

From 2006/05/03(2006 daily from PC Home):
A novel from Cecelia Ahern,"Sweet and sad and funny:a charming journey from grief to hope." 看得我無法停下來,可是太厚,每晚只能看兩至三個chapter。在我來說,它有別於一般的愛情故事,從我對死亡的感覺和摯親離去的感覺當中,這書成功成為 no.1 international bestseller是無可厚非的。

From 2006/05/21(2006 daily from PC Home):

From Holly Kennedy, which touched me the most:
”......it pissed me off when everyone says time is a healer when at the same time they also say absence makes the heart grow fonder, which really confuses me, because that means that the longer he’s gone the more I want him. I’ll tell her that nothing is healing at all and that every morning I wake up in my empty bed it feels like salt is being rubbed into those unhealing wounds.”

4 則留言:

匿名 說...

可否借給我呢? ~小天使

匿名 說...


匿名 說...


If people say time is the best medicine... I would frown...
as time just fades your memory out, no matter it's good or bad, or letting you own new happy memory that would lesson the past cruel ones...

Wai, come over and play the Mario Game of Wii with me. Your sweet childhood memories will all be elicited out.

After all the sufferings, now I realize something real true.

Forget is useless until it comes with forgiveness.

Not until you forgive, you'll never forget.

(yeah, I must admit, it's hard to forgive, and that's why it's hard to forget!)

匿名 說...

今日放假,好得閒。update 了自己的blog後,便去探訪久違了的友人之blog。

選擇地去看看你的近況。看到drama show的開心片段,激發了我勁想做話劇。看到你在master course 的成長和self-discovery, 使我也想讀埋一份。好羨慕呀﹗