

今天終於都交了skill lab 那份reflection paper!這幾天,我正想著一個問題,我們常說要resolved unresolved business,OK....那我就算是self-aware了自己的unresolved business,但是即是怎樣去處理?如那個unresolved 是關於一個人,找那個人出來解決到嗎?彷彿覺得自己好像沒有學到了什麼!

unresolved,又令我想起我們入學時的written test其中一條essay,內容大概是:Describe 2 things/issues that you think is "unresolved" in your life and still affecting you now......我在想,professors會因為什麼標準來把這二百幾個報讀生中選出百多位來進行面試的呢?


1 則留言:

匿名 說...

Dear Steph

Thanks so much for your comment that you left on my xanga. I am so glad to have you as a friend where i can always go to when i am awfully low. You seem to be always so understanding. Thanks for caring me so much. You know, when i read your comment, i wanted to enter into your website, but accidentally pressed the DELETE button!!!! I am so unhappy that I lost your msg...wuwuwu..I am such a big head prawn.....><
