
Student privilege

It's been the first time I enjoyed being the student in HKU.

Today I've taken a day off for the dental check-up looking forward the dentist can ease my discomfort. I used only one-fifth of price to remove my right upper wisdom tooth compared to last time.(the lump sum including X-rays, checking up) In addition with the clear explanation and caring attitude the dentist gave me, I am very satisfied. I greatly think that the quality of dental service is not directly proportional to the service charges. (Being reminded me of my colleague, who removed her 2 wisdom teeth with $5000 and lots of complaints about the staff)

I do really think it's necessary for developing a good therapeutic encounter with clients in order to instill trust and confident, especially professionals. Not only therpists or counsellors, but do so for the dentists and doctors(whom seems to be less humanistic). ...... which leads me to think of a poor model in my work place again(medical officer)........Horrible!!

Across the campus after dental appointment, I saw the book fair, i used my studnet privilege again, and bought "The devil wears Prada" with special price. I like the movies and eager to read the original story. (but well, looking for holidays to do that)

Walking through campus in normal days (office hours), I can feel strongly about the U-life atmosphere, which is really memoriable. In a great contrast to our evening study, which is tense and tired after work.

4 則留言:

匿名 說...

I really understand what you previously wrote...

to learn how to bear pressure on your own

I am always practising the philosophy but now my "rope of life" is being stretched to such extent that it will break, so I just like to let you know that I am quite depressed these days...

just get a glimspe on my blog and you will know.

I love you!

小東邪 說...

That's really a good experience to learn a new skill, through learning, you're not only learned the skill but also improved your EQ, judgement and all aspects of self-management....To be frank, it's really very tough, especailly when you're facing a harsh tutor, who seems not caring, not student-centered as well as pushy.......But rememebered, you'll learn, learn more than you've expected from it....(always "ah Q attitude" and +ve self talk for me to survive..haha.....)

I really really miss you much! More than i expected too, I'm suffering an asocial and obessive-compulsive symdrome of reading now.

I'd like to have a trip during my term break, for relax and release, but you seems have no holidays, rite? oh......can you try to arrange it?

匿名 說...





匿名 說...

我前幾日都pick up過呢本書,但係最後都冇買到,估唔到你咁快就買左呀﹗記住睇呀﹗